My Bio

Learn More About Me

Danny Reimer

As my career as a strength and conditioning coach progresses, my passion working with athletes continues to drive and motivate me to be even better. A big part of this self improvement is continuing to educate myself in a sport science industry that has a never ending amount of new research and innovative technology. At the end of the day I take a lot of pride in making sure that I have done everything within my power to help athletes achieve their ultimate goals.

For as long as I can remember, competing in any kind of sport brings me so much excitement. Hockey always took the top spot for me and began to consume all of my time and energy. I finished up playing Midget AAA plus a few years of Junior hockey, but unfortunately couldn’t continue due too many severe concussions. Moving forward I knew I wanted to be involved with high performance hockey, which led me to the University of Alberta and obtaining a degree in kinesiology specializing in sport performance. I was honored to learn from some of the top recognized sports science professors in the world. Being in this highly academic environment allowed my to find my new passion and true calling as a strength and conditioning coach.

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University Degree

I completed my degree in Kinesiology specializing in sport performance from the University of Alberta in 2011. It is one of the most competitive kinesiology schools to get into and ranked in the top 10 world wide. Learning from the worlds best professors in this academic institution set me up with the knowledge necessary to excel as a kinesiologist/strength & conditioning coach. Over the past decade I’ve continued to further my education in many realms of the sport science world, specifically as it pertains to advancing hockey training methodologies.

Professional Certification

For 10 years I’ve been a member and certified personal trainer with the Canadian Society of Exercise Physiology (CSEP). The CSEP organization is recognized as the gold standard in Canada with very high standards required to obtain this status. Exercise professionals with a sport science related degree are required to pass both a written theory exam as well as a practical lab exams, and complete 100 hours of practicum training before you can become certified. I’ve continued to remain in good standing with CSEP and complete the yearly required first aid & CPR certification, as well as professional development credits.

Work Experience

Past and current organizations/teams I've work for as a strength and conditioning coach.

STM Hockey & Soccer Academy

Strength and Conditioning Coach

Edmonton SSAC Hockey Club: AAA and AA Teams

Strength and Conditioning Coach

Concordia University Men's Hockey Team

Strength and Conditioning Coach

King's University Women's Basketball

Strength and Conditioning Coach

Montreal Canadiens

2015 Training Camp Testing

200 Hockey Development

On Ice Instructor

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